City Groups Fall '17 - Week 2

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 2

We will never grow out of the Gospel. By continually returning to it, we find more ways that God reaches and teaches us, while realizing the need to reach others with its truth and joy. This week we are finishing our Deeper sermon series with Luke 24:44-48, the Gospel in Jesus's own words.

NOTE: Next week we begin our Reformation Series!

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 1

City Groups Fall '17 - Week 1

Fall City Groups are here! Welcome new faces and catch up with familiar ones. This week we are looking at Luke 24:13-45, Jesus is risen and talking with his disciples. He uses Scripture to demonstrate that the entirety of the Bible points to Him; which is an important aspect of Biblical Theology.

Please stay safe in the oncoming storm and check on each other within the group. Pray for all those affected and look for ways to love your neighbors and have Gospel conversations.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '17 - Week #8

City Groups Summer '17 - Week #8

Welcome back and congrats Group Leaders! You made it to our last week of Summer Groups and our study through "What is the Gospel?" I hope and pray that lives were changed and that there is a new freshness to the Gospel in our hearts. This last week, we will focus on the power of the Gospel. Help your group members identity gospel transformation in their lives and what the Gospel is driving them to do differently from now on. 


City Groups Summer '17 - Week 7

City Groups Summer '17 - Week 7

Group Leaders, be sure to start your group off with the first video above and then end your group with the video below (Gospel-One-Pager Activity)

Welcome back Group Leaders! This week will be different. We've got two videos for you to by David Platt at the beginning of the group like normal and then a second video at the end followed by an activity you will lead your groups through. (Resultantly, there will be less discussion questions than normal.) 

City Groups Summer '17 - Week 6

City Groups Summer '17 - Week 6

Welcome back Group Leaders! This week, we'll guide our groups through what it means to be in the Kingdom of God and reach the nations with the Gospel. The only way to enter the Kingdom of God is through the blood of the King. Once we enter His Kingdom we become ambassadors of the King; across the street and around the world. Help your group members learn to regularly pray what Jesus taught us in the Lord's Prayer..."Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven."

City Groups Summer '17 -Week 5

City Groups Summer '17 -Week 5

Welcome back to week 5 Group Leaders! We are officially half-way through our summer way to go and lets keep charging forward. Don't forget to read ch. 5 in your book, which will focus on the right response to the Gospel; Faith & Repentance. They are like two sides of the same coin. As group leaders, you have an opportunity to examine your own hearts regarding ongoing faith & repentance before you lead your group members in great discussion. Take some extra time in personal prayer and reflection this week; asking the Lord to reveal anything you need to repent of or faith that needs to be exercised in your own life.

City Group Summer '17 - Week 4

City Group Summer '17 - Week 4

We are now in week 4, studying Jesus Christ our Savior. Last week ended in "but...," a word that indicates hope. The gospel gives us our hope through Jesus, fully God and fully man. Jesus, the king who suffered our fate in place of us; through whom we have eternal life.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Group Summer '17 - Week 3

City Group Summer '17 - Week 3

It is week 3 of our summer City Groups! This week we are addressing the often uncomfortable topic of sin. If we don't understand and accept the gravity of our sin, we can't comprehend the glory of the good news of the Gospel.

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '17 - Week 2

City Groups Summer '17 - Week 2

Welcome to Week 2- "Let me introduce you to god. (Note the lowercase g.)" In these first pages of chapter 2, Gilbert is making a point that the world's definition of God is not ours. God the Creator, God the Holy and Righteous One is the beginning of the Gospel. Good reading and discussion this week! 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

City Groups Summer '17- Week 1

City Groups Summer '17- Week 1

The Summer is here! And we are kicking off our City Groups summer semester!! This week's chapter will be focusing on the importance of pointing people to the Gospel in Scripture and living gospel-centered. Encourage your group to read or purchase (on Amazon) the book as we go through this study and enjoy welcoming new faces. 

Resources: Below you will find resources for this week: 

Summer Group Leader Training

Summer Group Leader Training

Hello Summer City Group Leaders!

Thank you to all the leaders who joined us for this important training last Saturday! For those of you who were not able to come, below you can find the video of our training and the powerpoint slides from our teachers (Adam Hollingsworth & Brian Seagraves). Please watch the video before June 4th and don't forget to pick up your copy of "What is the Gospel?" this Sunday.

Resources: (Training Power Points)

City Groups Spring '17 - The Last Week

City Groups Spring '17 - The Last Week

The death of Jesus is meaningless without his bodily resurrection.  As the bible says, without the resurrection, “we are of all people most to be pitied.” This week we focus on the joyous truth that Jesus was in fact raised from the dead. No hoax! Furthermore, for those that follow and trust him, we also will be raised to life!

Mark 16:1-8, 1 Corinthians 15:1-20

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 12

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 12

It's Easter week, sometimes called Holy Week- the time we remember and celebrate Jesus' journey to the cross. We remember the horror that the Son of God, our Lord was scandalously killed, but also the beauty that he rose again achieving victory over death. He died for us so that through His victory we might be saved. What a truly beautiful scandalous night.

Mark 14:32-72, 15:1-47

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 11

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 11

Hello City Group Leaders! This week we are studying the beginning of Chapter 4 in Mark; Jesus tells the parable of the Sower. The seed is the Word of God and the soil is us. Let us consider how do we receive the Word of God? 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 10

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 10

As we begin week 10 we look at Mark 3:20-35.  In this passage, Jesus is confronted by his family and the Pharisees. His family thinks he is a lunatic, and the Pharisees accuse him of being demonic and of misleading his followers. This is the fundamental question we all must confront: Is Jesus a lunatic, a liar, or Lord?

Videos: There are two videos this week. The first is our usual group video from Brian Seagraves explaining our passage, the second is for group leaders only and introduces a new Easter prayer effort for City Groups.

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 9

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 9

Entering week 9 we are examining Mark 3:7-19. At this moment, Jesus chooses from his disciples 12 rather ordinary men and appoints them as His apostles. He tasked them to learn from Him first and then sends them to go forth and preach. Even now, Jesus calls us to learn and emulate Him, our master teacher, as we also have been sent to go forth and share the good news of Jesus, the Son of God. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 8

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 8

Welcome City Group Leaders! We are studying Mark 2:23-3:6 this week. Already accused of allowing his disciples to "work" on the Sabbath, Jesus heals on the Sabbath, the Jewish sacred day of rest. How did Jesus truly honor the Sabbath, and how do we?

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 7

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 7

Hello City Group Leaders! This week we continue in Mark 2:18-22, where Jesus responds to a question on fasting. His answer reveals how often we find ourselves doing something the old way, just because "it's what we've always done", rather than looking at why?  What Jesus brings is new life and a new way that's incompatible with the old. His words here also reveal a new bomb-shell concerning His messianic identity. Jesus is the divine Bridegroom.

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 6

Welcome group leaders to week six! Crowds continue to gather around Jesus. Yet He chooses to mingle with sinners, tax collectors. When challenged, He replies that He came to call not the righteous, but the sinners. He calls us, and He sends us not to our comfort zone, but to the uncomfortable places to reach all of God's children. 

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: 

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 5

City Groups Spring '17 - Week 5

We are in week 5 and have entered chapter 2 of Mark's Gospel! This week four determined friends bring their crippled companion to the over-crowded home where Jesus is preaching. Jesus, moved by their faith, first forgives the man's sins, then heals him. Jesus demonstrates his power and authority to heal us both spiritually and physically. Now that is good news!

Resources: Below you will find two resources for this week: