Fall 2022- Week 1

Good Afternoon!

Week 1 is here and I couldn't be more excited to dive back into our City Groups! Thank you so much for all of the energy and enthusiasm that you have put into this ministry, I am very grateful for you! Attached is the Discussion Guide for week 1. We will be continuing in the "Stuck in the Middle" series and will be looking specifically at the need for christian community.

We are receiving new responses daily from people wanting to join a city group (AWESOME!) so be on the lookout for a text from me or Lauren asking to reach out and invite those interested.

Below are a few announcements I wanted to make you aware of:
- Team Tallahassee is a City Church ministry that serves our local high school football teams by providing concession stand volunteers. We are looking for a few groups to help fill some open dates, please email/text me if interested. This is a great way for a city group to serve and grow together!
- You have probably noticed the Stewart family around City Church recently and that is because they are back in Tallahassee. On top of that, Craig has joined the City Church staff as the Missions and Care Pastor! We couldn't be more excited!
-Our next men's gathering will be on Monday, September 12 at 6:30 pm at City Church. Come connect with other men in the church (dinner is provided) and hear how God wants to equip you to live for Him. Please RSVP at the following link: https://www.citychurchtallahassee.com/men

Once again, thank you so much for being apart of this ministry. Please let me know if there is any way I can serve you and your group!


2022 Summer- Week 8 (Last week of Summer Term)

Good Morning!

I hope your week has been great and that this summer term of City Groups has been both fruitful and encouraging for your group! Here is the discussion guide for this week!

This upcoming week (7/25) will be the last week of our summer term and we will be taking the month of August to get ready for the fall. We are praying that God would bring many new people to City Groups so we can plug them into good community! We already have at least 3 more groups starting this fall!

If you haven't already, please do your very best to attend our City Group Leader Training 8/14. We will be going over many important topics and plans coming up this fall. Both lunch and childcare will be provided. Below is the RSVP link:


Thank you all for a great summer. I am pumped for the fall!


2022 Summer- Week 7

Good afternoon!

I hope your week is going well!  Attached is the discussion guide for next week where we will be looking at the entirety of 1 Corinthians 14. 

SAVE THE DATE! August 14th we will be having a very important city group leader training as we look towards a busy and exciting fall term.  It will happen directly after the 11:30 service and should not be longer than 1 hour. Both lunch and childcare will be provided.  PLEASE make your best effort to be at this training, and you can RSVP by filling out this link:  


As we transition to 3 services on August 14th we could not be more excited for the amount of space this will create for not only our Sunday morning services but also our KiDS area.  We are anticipating that the service that would most likely be attended by a guest would be the 10am service.  In order to make room for guests, we are asking that our City Church members do their best to pick either the early or late service.  One cool way we can do this together is to have our City Groups 'adopt' the 8:30 or 11:30 service.  Although this may not work perfectly for your group, we would love to try and fill those two services with our core people to make room for guests at the 10am service.

I greatly appreciate all of you and the many ways in which y'all serve our church.  Please let me know if there is any way I can serve you!


2022 Summer- Week 6

Good afternoon!

I hope you week has been great and that you have been able to spend part of this summer relaxing as well as connecting and building community within your City Group. Here is the discussion guide for next week! Pastor Dean Inserra will be back and preaching on 1 Corinthians 13.

Here are a few upcoming events with the RSVP link attached feel free to copy and send them to your group members:

EQUIP CLASSES start back up this Sunday, July 10th at 5:00pm! The 2 classes you can choose from are Spiritual Gifts and Missions. Childcare is available is you sign them up here: https://citychurchtally.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/815/responses/new

MEN'S GATHERING next Monday, July 18th at 6:30pm. RSVP here: https://citychurchtally.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/987/responses/new

WOMEN'S GATHERING will be Monday, August 29th at 6:30pm. Mark your calendars! RSVP to come.

As always, please let me know if you need anything or if there any way that I can support you and your group!


2022 Summer- Week 5

Good Afternoon!

I hope your week has been great and that this summer term of City Groups has been fruitful for your group! Attached is the discussion guide for this week, our Student Director Jake Axon will be preaching through 1 Corinthians 12. Let's be praying for him as he prepares his sermon for this Sunday.

There are a few announcements at the top of the guide to let your group know about. If you are not meeting this summer or this week please shoot those announcements to your group members!

Have a great 4th of July weekend!


2022 Summer- Week 4

Good Afternoon!

I hope your summer is going great! Attached is the discussion guide for this week as we continue in the book 1 Corinthians. As you know over the last few months we have been collecting gift cards to gas stations/Publix/amazon for the Stewart family as they continue to live in Tallahassee and would love to continue to support them in this way. Please feel free to talk with me or our missions coordinator Diane Ashburn on how we can continue to love and support them.

As always please feel free to reach out if you need anything.

Have a great weekend,


2022 Summer- Week 3

Good afternoon!

Well....we have gotten to the famous 'head coverings' text in our study of 1 Corinthians. This Sunday our discipleship Pastor Lance Beauchamp will be preaching on this topic and he has also written the discussion guide to go along with the sermon. Due to the many historical-cultural background issues that help us better understanding this text it would be a good idea to encourage your group members to go back and listen to the message if they miss Sunday. This will help tremendously and give some helpful background information as we walk through these tough verses in our City Groups.

We also record and provide a podcast with each sermon on Mondays if you would like to re-listen or send to your group.

As always thank you for all you do for our groups ministry and please don't hesitate to reach out!

Here is the DG!


2022 Summer- Week 2

Good afternoon!

I hope you are having a great week! We have been super busy this week as 340+ kids have been going crazy and praising the name of Jesus at KiDS camp! It has been a phenomenal week.

Attached is this weeks discussion guide where we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1.

Thank you for all you do for our City Groups Ministry!

Here is the DG for this week!


2022 Summer- Week 1

Good afternoon!

I hope you are having a great start to your summer! We are pumped that our summer term for groups is starting back up, we will meet for 8 weeks before taking the month of August off. Please let me know if your group plans on meeting this summer or if there is an alternate meeting schedule.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I would love to encourage each of you to identify one person in your group that would make a great group leader. As we look towards the fall we will need MORE GROUPS and thats a great thing!!! Feel free to reach out to me and let me know, I would love to sit down and connect with that person.

Thank you for what you do and all the hard work you put into building community here at City church through our Groups Ministry!

Here is the discussion guide for week 1!

Never hesitate to reach out to me about anything!

Have a great day,


Easter Discussion Guide- 4/17/22

Good Morning,

I hope you are having a great Easter week! We are looking forward to our Good Friday Service @ Ruby Diamond and Easter @ the Civic Center this weekend! These will be amazing services where we will lift high the name of Jesus and praise Him for all he has done for us!

These services present a great opportunity to invite family and friends, and I hope to see you there (although I may have to miss due to the fact that my son Miles who was due last Tuesday is still not here hahahah).

As a reminder, we will be taking the month of May off from groups and will be starting our summer term in June. The week of April 24th will be the final week of this term. While we will not be providing discussion guides during the month of May feel free to meet as a group for dinner or hangouts.

Here is the Easter Discussion Guide! It has been an incredible Spring term and I am extremely thankful for you!

Have a great week and see you on Friday evening!


Baptism DG- Week of 4/10/22

Good morning!

I hope the the last 6 weeks of going through the 'Marks of a Disciple' Study was a blessing for your group! This week we will be discussing baptism as we look forward to Easter and Baptism Sunday. Let's keep on having intentional conversations with our people!

I sincerely appreciate all of the time and effort you put into our Groups Ministry, we have seen much fruit and growth this semester! I truly believe God is at work and I am so excited to be on mission with each of you!

Also, Pastor JT English will be teaching at a special equip class at the church Sunday, April 10th, at 5pm (child care provided). This will be a great event so let your City Group members know and we'll see you there!


Marks of a Disciple- Week 6

Good afternoon,

I hope you are doing well! Next week is our last week in the Marks of a Disciple study! Like I have said before, I hope this study has been beneficial and life giving to both you and your group. After next week we will be going back to our regular sermon-based discussion guide.

I would love to encourage each city group leader to have a baptism conversation in the next few weeks with someone from your group, as we look ahead to our awesome Baptism Sunday.

I sincerely appreciate how you continue to lead and build our groups ministry and I am here to support you in any way possible.



- Good Friday at Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, April 15th at 7pm
- Easter at the Civic Center! April 17th! Sign up to volunteer online or at the Easter booth on Sunday. Great opportunity to invite friends/family.
- 'Baptism Sunday' on Sunday, April 24th. This is a day where we come together as a church and celebrate baptisms after each service. (Group Leaders, this is a great opportunity to talk with your group about baptism and encourage those who haven't been baptized, and should based on their profession of Jesus as their Savior to take that step of obedience.)

Last 2 questions on page 90.
Watch Video
Read Luke 15:3-7
Bottom question on page 101
First and last question page 102
Read Luke 19:10
Questions 1, 4, 5 on page 92
Part of building relationships with lost people is sharing the Gospel with them, ask the bottom question on page 98
Ask "How can you share the gospel with the people who you naturally interact with?"
Ask last question on page 99, "How might you need to adjust...."

Marks of a Disciple- Week 5

Good afternoon!

I hope you are doing well and that this study has been a great resource for you and your group. This week we will be studying session 5. Please feel free to use the template below to help you think through this session.

Something to keep in mind as we look ahead to the future and fall semester is the potential need for more City Groups. Every fall term we see a massive influx of people interested in joining a City Group for the first time. With that comes the need for new City Groups, and the biggest hurdle in starting new groups is finding capable leaders. Over the next few months I would love for you to prayerfully look at your group and help us identify some potential future city group leaders. This would be a huge help to us as we all try see our groups ministry grow and more people dive into christian community.

Thank you so much for all you do!



- Good Friday at Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, April 15th at 7pm
- Easter at the Civic Center! April 17th! Sign up to volunteer online or at the Easter booth on Sunday. Great opportunity to invite friends/family.
- 'Baptism Sunday' on Sunday, April 24th. This is a day where we come together as a church and celebrate baptisms after each service. (Group Leaders, this is a great opportunity to talk with your group about baptism and encourage those who haven't been baptized, and should based on their profession of Jesus as their Savior to take that step of obedience.)

Overview Homework from last week (if applicable)
Ask second question on page 74
Watch Video
Hebrews 1:1-3
pg 76 questions 1,2
pg 78 middle question but add "both from the Bible and from other supplemental material?" and last question
Titus 1:5-14
Ask last question on page 80
Ask last question on page 81
Read Titus 2:1-15
Ask first and last question on page 82
Ask, "How has studying theology lead to your growth as a disciple of Jesus and how does this theology inform our commitment to the Great Commission?"
Homework: #'s 2-4

Marks of a Disciple- Week 4

Good morning!

I hope you are having a great and relaxing spring break! This upcoming we will being going through Session 4: Generous Living in the ‘Marks of a Disciple’ study. Below is a quick outline and also a few announcements for our group members! Please let me know if you have any questions or prayer requests!

-Mens gathering March 28th 6:30pm. Dinner is provided.
-EASTER AT THE CIVIC CENTER!!! April 17th! Sign up to volunteer online or at the Easter booth on Sunday. Volunteering is a great way to serve together as a City Group.

Follow up last weeks homework
Ask second question on page 58
Watch video
Read Matthew 6:19-21
Ask first two questions on page 65
Ask questions 1,3,4
Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-9
Ask bottom question on page 68
Ask first and last question on page 69
Ask the middle question on page 62
Homework for next week: numbers 2-5 on page 61

Have a great day!


Marks of a Disciple- Week 3

Good afternoon!

I hop you are doing well and are having a great week. This week in City Groups we will be looking at session 3: Eternally Minded from 'Marks of a Disciple'. I hope this study has served you well and I would love to hear how this book has encouraged your group. All of the session videos are uploaded on the youtube playlist (I will add the link on the bottom of this email).

I am eternally thankful for you continued commitment to our groups ministry. Please do not hesitate to reach out!

Session 3 Template:
Review 'Homework from last week'
Ask the second question on pg. 42
Watch Video
Reat Philippians 3:18-20
Ask Questions 1-4 on pg. 44
Read Colossians 3:5-11
Ask bottom question on page 52 and top question on page 54
Homework: Questions 2-4 on pg 45


Have a great day!


Marks of a Disciple- Week 2

Good afternoon!

I hope you are doing well and your week has been great! This upcoming week we are going to be going through Session 2: Healthy Habits in the 'Marks of a Disciple' study. I hope the first week in this study went well and that your group was served well by it. I would love to hear an encouraging story about how God is working in your group. Feel free to reach out!

This weeks video has been added to the Youtube playlist and below is an general template for week 2:

Open in prayer
Ask all questions on page 26
Watch video
Read 2 Peter 3:17-18 and 1 Peter 2:1-2
Ask first question on page 32 and middle question on page 33
Ask questions 1, 2, 4, 6 on page 28
Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Ask bottom question on page 33 and top question on page 34
Challenge your group to do 2-5 on page 29.

I hope this serves you well!


Marks of a Disciple- Week 1

Good afternoon!

We are so excited to jump into "Marks of a Disciple" this week as we will be looking at session 1: A Repentant Life. Our hope is that this 6 week study will be fruitful in our desire and mission to make disciples in our City Groups.

Below are a few answers to questions I've gotten about going through this study:

Does every City Group attendee need a copy of the book?
- No, while it is not required to have the book for this study it may be beneficial for personal growth. Copies of the book are available on Amazon or Lifeway.com

Will we be watching the videos that are included in the study?
- Yes! We have created a playlist on youtube where you can find each sessions video. Here is the link:

How are we supposed to teach each chapter?
- Part of the beauty of going through this book together is the autonomy that each leader will have in how they want to walk through each session with their City Group. While there is not one specific way to teach each session I will be making a weekly template or suggestion on which questions to use.

If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out! And if you haven't picked up your copy of the book, they are in the care room!

Session 1: A Repentant Life
- Ask both questions on page 10, pray, then watch video.
- Read Romans 2:4, ask questions 1,2,3,6 on page 12.
- Ask, "What areas of your life are you most tempted to work around God to get what you want?" and "How often is your prayer life characterized by repentance?" *From the evaluation section*
- Read Psalm 139:23-24 and ask all 3 questions on page 21.
- Homework: This week, pray and ask God to reveal areas where you need to repent and return to Him.
- End in prayer.

Hopefully this helps you, as you continue to think through this session.

Thank you for all that you do!


Groups Spring '22- Week 6

Good afternoon!

Attached is the discussion guide for the final week in our Esther series. As a reminder, please come pick up your "Marks of a Disciple" book from the CARE room this Sunday!

I truly appreciate all you do for our groups ministry. I am in continual prayer for both you and your group. Please let me know if there is any specific way that I can serve you.

Have a great weekend!


Groups Spring '22- Week 4

Good afternoon!

I hope you are doing well and the first few weeks of the Spring term are going well! I really appreciate your continued dedication to making disciples and serving in our church by being a City Group Leader. I am honored to co-labor in the mission of the gospel with you and your City Groups.

This week we are jumping into a 3 week series where we will be studying the book of Esther. We will be looking at God's providential work in His peoples lives, even if it is not visible to the human eye. HERE is the discussion guide for week 1.

It may be a good idea to take the first 5 minutes of groups to give a brief summary of the story of Esther for those who may not have any prior knowledge. I can provide you with some resources if you would like them.

Have a great day!


Groups Spring '22- Week 3

Good Afternoon!

I hope you are having a great week! Attached is the discussion guide for this week where we will be looking at how our best life is a life that is missional!

I am excited to say that we are launching two new groups in the next couple of weeks, one of which is a multiplication! The Great Commission! I am so excited about this and will update everyone with more info as they come.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your group!

Have a great evening,
