Groups Spring '22- Week 2

Good Afternoon!

I hope you are having a great week and that your first city group of the spring semester went great! This week we are continuing in our "Your best life" series where we will be looking at how your best life is a life that is generous. You can find the discussion guide here. As Dean shared at our City Group training, I would encourage you to dig into this topic with your group as we talk about how we can be good stewards of our finances towards the local church.

Thank you for all you do and as always please let me know if there is anything I can do for you!

Have a great day,


Groups Spring '22- Week 1

Good afternoon!

We are super excited to be kicking off our Spring 2022 City Group term! I was very encouraged after the Leader Meeting last Sunday, and have been in prayer over our City Groups. Please continue to pray with me that God would use this ministry to build community and make disciples!

Attached is the discussion guide for week 1 where we will be in week 2 of our 'Your best life' series looking at living lives that are committed to Christ.

As always please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any needs or questions.



Groups Fall '21- Week 14

Good afternoon!

I hope your Thanksgiving week was fantastic! This week is the last week of our Fall 2021 City Groups, it has been a fantastic semester filled with stories of God working in our church and groups. We will be taking the month of December off and will kickoff the Spring term of City Groups on the week of January 2nd.

Along with the discussion guide I have attached a letter that I would love for you to read to your city group this week (If you are not meeting please email it to your group!). This is a letter from me to all of our City Groups and attenders, with some encouraging words, goals for the next year, purpose of City Groups, and specific asks for multiplication! I hope it serves you and your group well.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you tonight at Christmas on the Moon!


Group Guide- Revelation

Open Letter to City Groups

Groups Fall '21- Week 13


I hope you and your city group are doing well! Attached is the discussion guide for next week! We will be looking a the books 1,2,3rd John & Jude and what it means to abide in Christ. I hope this semester has been a time of growth for your City Group, and I am extremely thankful for your dedication to the groups ministry!

Here are a few dates to remember and share with your group:

November 28th: Christmas on the Moon, we are still in need for 6pm volunteers!
The week of November 28th will be the last week of Fall '21 City Groups, we will take the month of December off and will pick back up on the week of January 2nd!
December 5th- Members Meeting, 6pm and dinner is provided.
January 9th- City Group Leader Training, directly after the 11am service. This will be a great time of fellowship, reflection on the '21 Fall semester, and looking ahead to the Spring semester. We will also be able to welcome the group leaders for a few new groups that are launching in the Spring!

Please let me know if I can serve you in any way,


Groups Fall '21- Week 12

Good evening!

I am getting next weeks discussion guide out a day early because the office will be closed tomorrow! This next week (the week of November 14th) we will be looking at 1&2 Peter and how as believers we are called to holy living because our God is holy, and this is only made possible by securing our hope in the gospel. As always we are continuously praying for your group and how God is working through them.

Below are a few dates to remember and remind your group about:

November 28th- Christmas on the Moon, the Guest Services team is still looking for 6pm volunteers! This would be a great way for your City Group to serve together!

The week of November 28th will be the last week of our Fall term of City Groups, however I would love to encourage every group to find at least one time in December to hang out and continue to foster community.

December 5th- Members meeting @ 6pm. We want to encourage all of our members to attend this very important meeting. This will be a time to come together as a church body and inform, encourage, and pray for each other.

As always please let us know if there is anything we can do to serve you and your group!

Have a great night,


Groups Fall '21- Week 11

Good afternoon group leaders!

This week we will be looking at the book of James. One of the key themes in this book is how genuine faith is lived out is in our response to the Word of truth.

We are continuing to pray for every group and that God would use our ministry to share the gospel and make disciples. If there is any way I can serve your group, please do not hesitate to reach out.

I appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to our groups ministry!


Groups Fall '21- Week 10

Good afternoon!

Attached is the discussion guide for the book of Hebrews where we will be looking at how the author encourages his audience to persevere in their faith and points to the supremacy of Jesus.

As always, I am very thankful and grateful for each of you and would love to serve you and your group in any way possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the discipleship team!

Have a fantastic weekend!


Groups Fall '21- Week 8

Hey Group Leaders!

Here is the discussion guide for 1&2 Thessalonians! As always, thank you so much for your continued support and dedication to our city groups! We are seeing God work in great ways!

If you need anything please do not hesitate to ask. I am here as a support and encouragement to you and your group, so if there are any needs or discipleship issues that I can help with please reach out.

Have a great evening!


Groups Fall '21- Week 7

Good afternoon!

Thank you so much for your faithfulness towards our City Group Ministry! I am constantly encouraged to hear about how God is working in our groups. One visible example of this, is that over the last two weeks we have seen 37 people get baptized here at City Church. FIFTEEN of those people were baptized by their City Group leader! That is awesome! On top of that, this past week was the highest attended City Group week since before COVID!

I am so encouraged by all of this and I hope you feel the same. Please let me know how I can support you and your groups in the coming weeks!

Group Leader Guide can be found here.

Have a great day,


Groups Fall '21- Week 6

Good afternoon awesome group leaders!

I hope all of you are doing well and I am very encouraged by all of the great things happening in our City Groups! Attached is the discussion guide for the book of Philippians. The focus this week is prayer and why/when we pray. I would love to visit all of our city groups this fall so please let me know if a certain date works for you! We are SO excited for baptism Sunday coming up this Sunday, as of right now we have over 34 people signed up to get baptised! We would love for you to stick around after each service as we celebrate baptisms with our church family!

As always, please let me know if there is any way I can serve you and your group!


Groups Fall '21 - Week 5

Good afternoon!

Attached is the this weeks discussion guide on Ephesians (shout out to Matt Strenth)! Once again, I am extremely thankful for all of you and as always please let me know if there is any way that I can serve both you and your city group.

Have a fantastic weekend and see you on Sunday!

Groups Fall '21 - Week 4

Good afternoon!

I am so excited to officially jump into the role of City Groups Director! I look forward to working closely with all of our city groups and leaders. I am very thankful for this opportunity, and am praying that God would continue to guide us as we seek to glorify Him by being in community with one another.

Attached is the leader guide for the book of Galatians where our main focus will be the idea that we are not justified by our good works but by our faith in Jesus' work on the cross! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great week,

Groups Fall '21 - Week 3

Greetings leaders,

It has been such an encouragement to hear back from many of you concerning the excitement of group members when it comes to studying these books of the Bible. We thank you for your faithfulness to lead and guide in these discussions.

Christian love is talked about frequently, but rarely do we consider what actual Christian love entails and requires of us. The Corinthian church, along with believers throughout the ages, receives a beautiful discourse on Christian love in 1 Corinthians 13 from Paul. We pray that our time in this passage will grow how we love God and others.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Fall '21 - Week 2

Good Evening All,

What a great time it was at our Fall Kickoff. From that gathering, we heard from more than 60 people that want join a group. Thank you for making it happen! You've heard a from us a lot over the past week and we appreciate your prompt responses as we try to get people connected to a group. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me, Kaylan, or Lauren if you have any questions.

Next week's guide is attached. Shout out to Noah Engelker for helping us put it together. You'll notice we took a slightly different approach to the book of Romans. Dean will likely spend most of his overview sermon in the first 11 chapters. So, we decided to focus discussions on chapter 12.

You'll see that in chapter 12, Paul gets into some of the practical points of a gospel life. We thought it'd be good to spend some time discussing these commands with your groups early in the term to help us focus our time this year.

We're off to a great start! We’re thankful for you.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Fall '21 - Week 1

Greetings Leaders,

Attached you'll find the first discussion guide for the fall term. As you will note, we are studying John 18:36-38. You'll read this passage in its context, but mainly focus on verses 36-38. Next week, Lord willing, we will resume the Whole Story as we dive into the book of Romans.

As we begin, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We’re looking forward to starting this term with you!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 8

As we wrap up our summer City Groups, as in the Old Testament, we see in the Gospels that God is sovereign over all. In times of confidence or in times of doubt, we are completely dependent upon Him!

Thank you for your faithfulness as you have served our church well over the summer. After this week, we will take a break from formal City Group gatherings (but you are more than welcome to continue meeting if your group desires!) and we will officially resume City Groups the week of August 29th.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 7

Greetings leaders,

Unlike many followers of God for so many centuries, we are incredibly blessed to have the entirety of Scripture and the historical perspective of knowing that Jesus is the Christ, the fulfillment of the Old Testament. This week, as we transition into the New Testament, we are reminded that Jesus not only is that fulfillment, but He alone is our righteousness.

Please remind your group attendees that our last Summer Equip class is this Sunday from 5:00-6:00 on William Wilberforce, a godly man whom the Lord used to abolish slave trade in Great Britain. They can RSVP here for childcare.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 6

Greetings leaders,

As we wrap up the Old Testament in our journey through the Whole Story, we trust that it has been a growing time for us all as we see God put into motion His plan to redeem a people for Himself, despite the frequent rebellion of His people. And God be praised, the story doesn’t end there and next week we begin to see the completion of the Whole Story as we study the book of Matthew in City Groups! Often, it is tempting to focus so much on the good news we have in the New Testament that we ignore the Old Testament. We pray this journey through the Old Testament has better prepared us as we begin our studies in the New Testament.

Don't forget that this Sunday, we will have Equip class from 5:00-6:00 about Susanna Wesley.

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 5

Greetings leaders,

We pray these studies in the minor prophets have served our church. What seems to the casual observer harsh themes of punishment in the minor prophets actually reveal these truths: 1) God is patient and long-suffering, 2) God is excessively gracious and merciful, 3) God is a holy, pure God and cannot allow sin to go unpunished in His just nature, and 4) God's people do not experience ultimate punishment because of His Son, the Messiah, and the intercessory work He accomplished on the cross.

We are thankful for your faithfulness in service!

Joe and Kaylan

Groups Summer '21 - Week 4

Greetings leaders,

The overwhelmingly apparent theme in these minor prophets is God's abundant and patient grace and mercy with mankind. As God's people, may we never tired of dwelling on that precious truth! We are reminded this week in Jonah that God's people can fail to mirror that grace and mercy to those around us and it is our prayer that this week's study challenges us to both proclaim truth and extend grace and mercy to those around us.

Stay tuned for some updates in the next few days, but in the mean time, don't forget to share with your members:

  • Equip class this Sunday form 5:00-6:00

  • Member's class for those who have not taken the next step of membership at City Church from 6:00-7:00

Joe and Kaylan