Thanks to those of you who could make it out to staff prayer and Maple Street yesterday. It was a great morning praying over the city and preparing for Easter. 

Here is a recap of our discussion yesterday during staff, along with some extra info about this weekend. Please read through everything and reply if you have questions! 

Easter Volunteer Updates

1. KiDS--About 30 volunteers still needed for greeters 

2. Connections/First Impressions--About 10 more people wanted 

3. Care--Goal met on volunteers 

4. Follow Up Team--Still taking volunteers, point people to Zach 

Follow Up From Info Cards

1. Zach, Bryan & Craig working on a plan (with Jordan & Follow Up team) to begin inputting information on Sunday and have an initial contact with each person by Thursday 3/31. 

2. Ask Bryan if you have any questions about HOW people will get connected to you via MyCityChurch (process queue or group via form). 

3. All staff are asked to be on stand by Monday afternoon for help with beginning follow up process...stay tuned for more info. Volunteer Trainings at the Civic Center Sat. 3/26 at 10:00am

1. KiDS--Lindsay Bradle, Ginger, Kylie, Alexis 

2. Connections/FI--Zach, Jordan, Melissa Villalta 

3. Care--Craig & Sally Livingston

Setup Dates & Times

Good Friday

2:00pm Production setup 

5:15pm Staff arrive no later than (unless otherwise noted by your director...some of us will be there earlier for setup purposes, but please be there by 5:15pm)

5:30pm Doors open 

6:30pm Service begins 

Saturday at the Civic Center

7:00am Production unloads & setup begins 

8:00am KiDS team & First Impressions unloads 

9:00am All KiDS team setup begins 

10:00am All volunteer trainings begin 

11:00am Volunteer break w/ ice cream snacks 

Production will continue to set up

Finish any volunteer trainings or meetings after volunteer break 

7:00pm Tentative band sound check 

Easter Sunday

6:00am Civic Center opens 

7:45am Full dress rehearsal in main arena

9:30am Stage clear 

10:00am Doors open 

11:00am Service begins 

Miscellaneous Information

1. Breakfast food (no drinks) will be available for volunteers on Sunday morning in two hospitality areas: backstage for band & production, and exhibition hall for KiDS & First Impressions.

2. KiDS & First Impressions load-in will happen on Thursday 3/24 at 2:00pm. If you want to help, please let Lindsay B. or Zach know. 

3. Please be very gracious and accommodating at Ruby Diamond for Good Friday. We want to make a great impression on their staff and be easy to work with. 

4. Parking passes & backstage access passes for Easter Sunday are being printed & distributed this week. If you've not already received one, you will! 

Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything this week! If your team has a project or a need for help, reply all and we will do our best to work together and support each team as we prepare for Sunday. 

Praying for an amazing weekend with you all! Thank you for all the hard work and energy you've invested in your teams and leading your areas to a great Easter Sunday for Tallahassee!