Good afternoon,

I am getting next week's discussion guide a little early this week because I will be out of town Thursday-Saturday. We will be continuing in the Stuck in the Middle series where we will hear from Pastor Dean about how we are called to sober mindedness in times of heightened political conflict.

As a reminder, following the Vision service (services starts at 6pm) on Sunday the 25th we will be having a City Group Leader training from 7:30-8:30. Both dinner and childcare are provided and we will be in the front of the auditorium. Like I said at our last training in August, this meeting will be very important as we look at ways that we can best lead our City Groups over the next few years. I try not to make many events/trainings mandatory, but this is as close to mandatory as possible. So please please please make it a priority. I want to make sure that we are all equipped as possible during this exciting season at City Church!

Thank you for what you do!
