Good afternoon,

I hope your week has been going well! This Sunday will be the final week of our Let's Go series where we will hear Pastor Dean share about the commitment we can all make to furthering God's kingdom here in Tallahassee and beyond. The discussion guide is on page 64-65 of the guidebook! We will also have an opportunity fill out a Let's Go commitment card together as a church as we look towards the next two years.

I also wanted to send one final reminder about Advanced Commitment Night tomorrow night at 6:30 pm. This evening will be a historic time to come together for an evening of music, teaching, prayer and commitment. I am so thankful we get to do this!

During this service, we will have the opportunity to make a commitment and go first as we build excitement and momentum for this vision. Every commitment card response will be private and we look forward to being together tomorrow night.

If you still need to RSVP for KiDS programming you can do so at
See you tomorrow night as we say “Let’s Go!” together!

From our church, for the city, to the world!
