Good afternoon,

I hope this fall season has been great for your City Group! It has been an awesome few weeks as we have jumped into the Let's Go series and two year vision. I am so encouraged by all of the stories and words of enthusiasm that I have heard from City Group leaders and attenders. This coming Sunday we will be hearing from Hunter Leavine as he talks about the importance of training the next generation of Christians. The discussion guide is on page 60-61 on the guidebook.

I would love to hear from you about your experience with sharing your giving story and any good discussion that came from that! Also, please ask a trusted group member or couple to share their giving story next week! Our prayer is that the more giving stories we can share the more others will be compelled to join in Let's Go.

Advanced Commitment Night:
Join us for an incredible night of music, teaching, prayer, and commitment/. This is an opportunity for ALL who are ready to go first with your commitment to Let's Go! We'll hear from our Lead Pastor Dean Inserra and commit together as we step forward into these next two years of ministry. Don't miss our on this historic night for City Church!

KiDS programming is available for babies- 3rd grade. Older children are invited to join you in the service! You can RSVP here for KiDS:

We would love for you to invite your entire City Group to this event and maybe even sit together!

Thank you for all that you do for this ministry! As always, please let me know if there is anything that I can do to serve you and your group!
